Cruise Ship Gambling Losses Compensation

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On May 6, 2024, a tragic incident occurred aboard P&O’s Pacific Adventure, where a passenger jumped overboard after reportedly losing thousands of dollars in the ship’s casino. This incident has raised serious concerns about the practices of cruise ship casinos, including the provision of automatic credit for gambling, allowing intoxicated passengers to gamble, inadequate detection of problem gambling, and the coercion of passengers to settle casino debts.

Carter Capner Law is investigating these practices across all cruise lines operating out of Australia over the past six years. Our investigation aims to:

  • Recover financial losses incurred by passengers due to gambling in cruise ship casinos.
  • Advocate for safer and more responsible gambling practices on cruise ships.
  • Seek damages for unconscionable conduct and unlawful imprisonment.

Key Concerns Being Investigated:

  • Automatic credit for passenger gambling
  • Allowing intoxicated passengers to gamble
  • Adequacy of systems to detect problem gamblers
  • Rewards and incentives for gambling activity
  • Prevention of disembarking due to unpaid casino debts

How to Participate:

If you or a family member have experienced gambling losses or were prevented from disembarking due to unpaid casino debts, you may be eligible for compensation. Register your interest to receive advice about your compensation entitlement and join our efforts to hold cruise lines accountable for their practices.

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